Saturday, June 21, 2014

Transformation is a Priestly Theology

"UNDERSTAND what you do, IMITATE what you celebrate, and CONFORM your life to the mystery of the Lord's Cross."

These beautiful admonitions are said by the presiding bishop to the ordinandus while handing over the chalice and the paten. It is an exhortation to the celebration of the sacraments especially the Mass. It is not only worship to God but a life-changing act that transforms not only the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ but that the whole of one's self may be an offering, an oblation, together with the whole people of God transformed into the image and likeness of Christ, the head of the Church, His Body.

How beautiful are these words that struck my heart upon hearing them today. Ever since I have been attending ordinations (in Filipino), I couldn't remember these words but hearing them in english caught my attention. Wow, how beautiful! What rich theology! What very meaningful words that those ordained to the sacred order of priesthood receive!

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