Monday, September 8, 2014

Double Celebration

An image of the Child Mary in time for her birthday!

16" image of the Virgencita personally designed and made from Paete, Laguna.

La Virgencita Nina Maria.

I placed her in the sacristy in preparation for the Sunday blessing. People who walked inside noticed how the image was lovely and beautiful but most of them asked, "How is this?" Most thought it was a Sto. Nino but looked like a young girl. I told them, "This is the child Mary, la Nina Maria."

A year ago my godfather sent me a pendant of the Bambina from Italy. I kept it without knowing when to use it. Upon the arrival of this image, I remembered about the pendant and now it accents her.

It was also a very nice gift that I was allowed to go home and with my batchmates, serve in my home parish on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, our birthdays.

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