Monday, October 7, 2013

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary with... who are they?

The Blessed Virgin Mary handling the rosary to Saint Dominic
and Saint Catherine of Siena.
Beginning the month of October, I had an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary carrying the Child Jesus on her lap while handling the rosary to two saintly figures in kneeling posture enthroned in the chapel. The intention was catechetical, that is, in order for people to get curious (if they do not know) who are the two characters depicted and so have a glimpse of Church history.

Almost a week past and no one reacts. I thought maybe they already know. I tried to ask several people if they know who the two saints are and surprisingly, out of 10, only 2 know! Sadly disappointed for their lack of initiative to know who these figures are, let me share.

So, who are the two saintly figures?

The first is Saint Dominic de Guzman who established the mendicant Order of Preachers. It was said that the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to him and gave him the rosary as a powerful prayer to attack the Albigensian heresy. True enough, the Dominicans won over such enemies of the Church.

The second is Saint Catherine of Siena. She was not a contemporary of Saint Dominic but came later. She is not a nun but a lay woman who entered the Dominican Tertiary. She was heavily instrumental for the return of the papacy in Rome which ended the great schism. Through her prayers and the rosary, unity was restored in the Church.

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