Monday, September 2, 2013

The Power of Touch

Man is in touch with everything. Modern technology has availed much that almost all can be done literally at the "click" of the fingers. But with all these happening around, man is slowly loosing his identity and gradually descending in touch with the Divine. Touch brings forth a sense of closeness- a relationship that though apart can tie a bond. No one touches a stranger; nonetheless, even a sick person is rarely touched. There is fear. Unless they are relatives or close friends, to touch each on is not illicit.

The power of touch is an energy of relationships. Day by day, God touches our lives. He cares. He may seem far away but in the depths of our hearts, He comes to us giving love. The hand of God is at work and He never ceases to keep in touch. The fresco of Michelangelo (1511-1512) where the Creator is touching the tip of Adam's finger shows how the Lord wants to have a relationship with His creatures. But the question is, does man still raise his hands to reach God?

The question that arise is not a question whether man can comprehend the immensity of God's wisdom but one that scrutinizes if he still recognizes a Creator. The humanism of the modern world has exulted man's rationality but void God of His rightful throne. Man sought for answers and questions on truth. He has taken sides on different ideological perspectives yet God remained to be the answer and the truth.

This is the age where everything can be touched. Has man touched God who revealed Himself even before? Ironically, God who has shown Himself through His own will is still being searched for. The great Saint Augustine said in his Confessions,

"Late have I loved Thee, O beauty so ancient!
Late have I loved Thee!
Lo, Thee were within bit I outside, seeking there for Thee..."

Man continues to search for answers but deep within him is the One who knows everything. The power of touch is a relationship between the one who touches and the one who is touched. God touches man. Would man have the courage to touch God? When we come to recognize the power of God in our lives, then and only then shall we be able to behold the true glory of man. Wisdom is acquired from the feet of the One who is Master of all.

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